Who we are

A lot has transpired since the inception of Investor India Alliance nearly two years ago. To begin with; we have moved from www.investorindiaalliance.com to www-iia-ventures.com.
We began our journey as a modest startup advisory service with a focus on non-tech, smaller, and idea stage startups. Since then, we have had the privilege of engaging with over 650 startups and working really closely with more than 35 of them. Throughout this journey, we have played the role of confidantes, mentors, sounding boards, and adept fundraisers for the founders.
We are calling the current Avatar of IIA as version 3.0. We work very closely with the investor & ecosystem enabler community now to ensure the early-stage investments in startups are protected well. The funding-winter of 2023 has provided an opportunity to the Indian Startup Ecosystem to reboot itself. We firmly believe that upwards of 80-85% startup failure rate cannot be the norm. We have begun focusing our efforts & energy to ensure that the startup investments are protected. 
While the ecosystem players continue to evaluate startups to invest in; we have begun working with investors on protecting their existing investments. 
Get in touch with us to find out more.

Our North Star

We are pretty serious when we say we are set out to reshape the startup ecosystem. Today we have quite a few ecosystem enablers but a few who are willing to roll-up their sleeves to steer a struggling startup in a right direction. We have made it our mission to work with funded startups that run the risk of getting stuck where they aren’t able to grow or raise funds. There’s too much at stake for founders, employees, customers, vendors & the investors at this stage to let it fail. We work with founders & investors on – 

Strategy Consulting
Finding Exit Options (Fund-raise / M&A / Partnerships)
Growth Opportunities (Market Access)

Would we invest?

If we felt OK to invest our hard-earned money, then only we will recommend it to our investors

We recognize that financial projections are subject to change, but a skilled founding team working on a solid, scalable, and profitable idea has the ability to achieve extraordinary results. As a result, we prioritize the story behind the startup rather than placing excessive emphasis on the pitch deck and Excel spreadsheets.

Don’t abandon after the deal

Our engagement continues a long time after successful fundraise (or even failure to raise funds)

After a successful fund-raise; we work with the startup as well as the investors to ensure that the startup stays the course and continues to execute well. The investors continue to get access to a dashboard that captures startup performance metrics on an ongoing basis.

Self-Realization for startups

We show them the door - they must walk through it

Our Self-Evaluation tool and other similar processes are designed to foster self-realization among startups. We want the founders to take ownership of their pitch decks, financial models, and other crucial aspects. Rather than spoon-feeding them, we work side by side with founders, guiding them through the trenches. This collaborative approach ensures that startups develop a deep sense of ownership and drive

Reshaping Startup Ecosystem

Funding is just ONE of the necessary steps for a startup

The first question we ask our startups - “Do you really need to raise funds?”. We focus on building the business instead of fund-raising. All our processes are geared towards that. That’s the hard part! If that’s sorted, then fundraising becomes 10x easier for the startups!


Capital raised for start-ups


Startups funded


Investors on platform


Follow-ons/ Exits